
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Handling Confidence and Fear on New Grounds

Emotions are things you must not ignore

Being Bold is to overcome emotions like confidence and fear

"Either you became confident and ignorant or afraid and deadbeat, don't!" 


There are types of people when settling in new grounds, it is either they are fearless and confident or afraid and shy. I have seen these kinds of people and I often assess myself, where I belong. It seems that people are born to feel these kinds of emotions and yet there is no schooling to teach you, how you should face new grounds and challenges.

Having fear is normal, it is a feeling you came across when you have uncertainty. But, always remember that fear on the new grounds is not good. Fear often takes hold of a person, it makes one weak and it makes becoming true to yourself, sometimes impossible. Fear is a prisoner where you are placed in a shell, holding you back. Overcoming it, is possible by knowing the new ground or challenges. If you are this type of person, you must take an effort to know more about the new territory and new challenge you have to face. You must learn to trust and know more about yourself. Too much can lead you to devastation and failure in coping up on new grounds of life.

On the other hand, being confident on new grounds can sometimes lead you to being ignorant. Confidence is important, but too much and not knowing where you stand on the new ground, makes you a fool. It is those people who assume and know so little about the new grounds that they take charge and bathe to their new found territory. 

Being bold to new challenges while adjusting is the best way to handle these kind of emotions. Be brave enough to face the new grounds. Understand, assess and determine where you really belong. It is like having a new found friend; you get to know them, you hold back a little, but at the same time you share and give in to understand if the relationship is worth keeping.

It is said, a person takes time to adjust to new things. New grounds can be an overwhelming experience that pushes us back or move us forward. We sometimes already have an attitude to handle such pleasure or distress coming from new grounds and experiences. Our feelings towards it determines, whether we will continue or not the new experience we felt. If we are wiser to consider and assess what really happened, I believe every new ground that we will experience will be worth keeping. We just have to be bold enough to face reality.

As I continue to experience new grounds to help me grow, I hope you’ll have fun as much as I do.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Things I do as I move forward in life

Moving Forward in Life

Things worth remembering in life as you are nearing 30

Late 20's view in life in moving forward. 

As a person nearing my 30's, there are many things in life that I wished I knew when I am still much younger. It is not to say, that I or the people nearing 30's have regrets about life- though I have some. It is just a realization as we grow much older and wiser. As some may say, "you can only understand life backwards, but you must live life moving forward".

Today, I can say that I have wasted a lot of years in my life. It was also the same reason why I am, what I am and writing this blog today. Many may tend to disagree but trials, pain and suffering would change a person to become a better version of themselves. I have felt the pits of darkness and pain, It is a burden and experience that I have carried. It is something that I don't want anyone to experience and It is something that I want everyone to avoid. Don't ever risk losing yourself!

Here are some things worth remembering:

  1. Have a mentor- As you grow older, your priorities tend to grow. There are many aspects of your life you tend to ignore, not realizing it is much important as the others. We can never be an expert in every field, even though some of us tried. Learn from the experts and grab the opportunity as much as you can to learn from them.
  2. Learn everyday- Always try to learn new things. As you grow older, there are many aspects of your life you need to learn and understand. Never stop learning because it never stopped when you graduated from college. Always remind yourself to be equipped with knowledge.
  3. Know yourself- As things change every day, so are you. If you don’t know yourself, you can be drifted away like a wood, not knowing where you stand. The years wasted in my life are the chances that I haven’t got peace with myself. Knowing yourself early in your life makes you much wiser. Those people who have many regrets are people who often don’t know themselves.
  4. Seize Opportunities- Don’t wait for an opportunity. Create and seize it with confidence. Opportunities always knock and if you don’t know how to handle it, it may pass by without you even knowing it. Remember, every day is an opportunity given. Use it well!
  5. Learn to Let Go- Most of us don't realize that the only way to recover is to let go and forgive. Don't be hard on your mistakes or on the world. Everything has a purpose and you will see the reasons as time pass by. It may be hard and hurting today but it will pass, just learn to forgive and accept. Answers will be delivered in its perfect time.
  6. Take Care of Relationships- Not all people are meant to stay in your life. Some are just passing by, to teach, to hurt and to help you grow. Make sure that the one’s that are meant to stay are nurtured and growing up with you. Make an effort to let them know that they are important. Treat them well!
  7. Live Everyday- Everyday is a blessing. Make sure that you always live your life. Growing up is not easy, but it doesn’t mean you have to sulk away and beat yourself to death, just by trying to live. Make things simple and enjoy your life. Have a breather! 
Move forward with life and be optimistic. Don’t ever lose yourself and be stuck because life is the greatest miracle, anyone can give you. It is a blessing and a curse, if you don’t know how to be prepared

As I move forward with life, I hope you also do it.